Расписание электричек кубинка москва белорусский вокзал
Construction of the railway from Moscow to Smolensk, and then to Minsk and Warsaw, started in the second half of the 1860s. Construction of the station, known as Smolensky, began in late April 1869. A grand opening of the Moscow-Smolensk railway took place on 19 September 1870, the station became the sixth in Moscow. Moscow Belorussky railway station. Quite the same Wikipedia. Just better. You can leave your comments and suggestions on the system sending a message. Operations. Belorussky railway terminal serves long distance trains to regions west and south-west of Moscow, and one train each to the north-east (on the Savyolovskiy branch to Rybinsk with continuing service to Uglich, Vesegonsk, and Pestovo) and to the south (to Anapa through Tula, Kursk, Voronezh, and Rostov-on-Don). Belorussky railway station serves long distance trains to regions west and south-west of Moscow, and one train each to the north-east (on the Savyolovskiy branch to Rybinsk with continuing service to Uglich, Vesegonsk, and Pestovo) and to the south (to Anapa through Web site: Расписание электричек по вокзалу Можайск. yandex.ru. Web site: Расписание электричек: Москва (Белорусский вокзал) yandex.ru. Заказ авиабилетов. Заказ ж/д билетов, стоимость на жд билеты 2010 г. Расписание электричек 2010 г. с изменениями - Москва и Санкт-Петербург. ↑ "Расписание электричек: Москва (Белорусский вокзал)". yandex.ru 1 2 3 "Жд вокзал Москва Белорусский вокзал".