Samsung rv511 recovery
Hello everyone - I've been given an older NP-RV511 to fix and a fresh Win 7 install has many issues (no network card for example) and the laptop doesn't support Windows 10. I've been trying to find the recovery disc or USB for it with no luck. Samsung doesn't sell it, there's nothing to download. Anyone able to point me in the right direction. I've got a Samsung RV511 that had the hard-drive corrupted. I ordered and put in a new hard drive with the same specs other than more storage. The brand (Hitachi) is the same. I found and downloaded windows recovery directly from Microsoft and booted the system (making sure priority 1 was DVD read in BIOS). Nothing happened. Every now and then, I will get a message that says "Cannot find Operating System." I found "Recovery Solutions" from Samsung and burned that to a disk. Starting